We Go Above and Beyond to Satisfy Every Customer

For the Cleaning You Never Have Time, We Take Over

We know how pressed for time busy people like you always are. In between running your business, minding the kids, and keeping your career going great guns, it’s truly difficult to squeeze in precious minutes and hours keeping the house clean and orderly. Living alone doesn’t change the equation any, you still have to clean up your mess somehow.

Quit worrying and stressing yourself out over all this. Just call and we’ll do all the tidying up around the house for you. You’ll be coming home to something sparklingly clean at the end of the day!

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House Cleanups

Janitorial Service


Cleaner With a Mission

Our company provides exceptional cleaning services to homeowners & businesses across New Jersey and New York City area. We continue our reputation for excellence and customer satisfaction by maintaining our focus on our core vision and mission.

About Us

A & S SERVICES GROUP LLC in Jersey City, New Jersey has a team of professional cleaners with several years of experience in the industry. We are more than willing to serve you and to keep your environment 100% clean.